International Aikido Friendship Seminar in Kyoto, Japan
November 1–3 2024
Date: Friday November 1 – Sunday November 3, 2024
Location: The Historic Kyoto Butokuden
Content: Aikido instruction by Hiroshi Ikeda Sensei (Boulder Aikikai, CO, USA) and Ryoichi Kinoshita Sensei (Suisenkan, Osaka, Japan) and international guest instructors.
Seminar: Kyoto Budo Center
46-2 Entomicho Shogoin, Sakyo-ku
Kyoto 606-8323
Phone: 075-751-1255
This seminar will take place at the famous Butokuden in Kyoto. The historic Butokuden, Hall of Martial Virtues was built in Kyoto near Heian Shrine to carry out the legacy of ancient traditions which was started in eighth century capital of Kyoto. It is the location in which the His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor of Japan, views martial arts demonstrations. The seminar will feature Hiroshi Ikeda Shihan from the Boulder Aikikai, Boulder Colorado USA and Ryoichi Kinoshita Shihan from the Suisenkan Dojo in Osaka, Japan. Ikeda Shihan is world famous and travels extensively conducting Aikido seminars within the USA and Europe as well as other parts of the world. Kinoshita Shihan served on the instructional staff at Amenotakemusu Juku Aikido Dojo under Seiseki Abe Sensei for three decades and is the chief instructor at the Suisenkan Dojo in Osaka. The seminar will also feature additional Aikikai instructors from Japan as well as other countries. Please join us in Kyoto for what will prove to be a wonderful event in one of the most beautiful cities in Japan!

Meet the Instructors

Hiroshi Ikeda Shihan is founder and chief instructor of Boulder Aikikai. He began his study of aikido in 1968 at the aikido club of Kokugakuin University in Tokyo, of which Saotome Sensei was the chief instructor. Upon graduation, he trained regularly at Honbu Dojo and at Saotome Sensei’s Remeijuki Dojo. In 1978 he followed Saotome Sensei to the U.S. and in 1980 established Boulder Aikikai. He is a frequent guest instructor at aikido seminars in the U.S. and abroad.

Ryoichi Kinoshita Shihan began Aikido training under Abe Seiseki Shihan in 1974. At age 24, he became a live-in student of Abe Shihan. From 1996 to present day, he has been director and head instructor of Suisenkan Aikido Dojo in Suita, Japan. He instructs full-time in Osaka, Kyoto, and Nara. As a longtime student of Abe Sensei, calligraphy teacher of Osensei, Kinoshita Sensei studied calligraphy as well as Aikido with Abe Sensei.

Jim Alvarez Sensei (ASU 6th Dan through the Aikikai Hombu Dojo) is the founder and chief instructor of Aikido of Livermore – Shinrei Dojo. He began his martial arts training in 1973 in Chinese Kung Fu and in 1978 began his study of Aikido. He studied under numerous Aikido Shihan until he met Hiroshi Ikeda Shihan and Mitsugi Saotome Shihan. He has trained exclusively with both Ikeda Shihan and Saotome Shihan since 1990. He is one of Saotome Shihan’s senior students in the USA. In 1992 he began his study of traditional Japanese sword under Toshishiro Obata sensei and is his most senior student in Northern California

Akira Kato Sensei (Aikikai 6th Dan) began an Aikido club with Kinoshita Sensei as a high school student in 1974. At that time he also became a student of Abe Seiseki Sensei. To deepen his understanding of Aikido, he also studied Tai Chi, Chinese Kung Fu, Jeet Kun Do and other martial arts. In 1991, he was promoted to Aikido 5th Dan. The period that he studied with Abe Sensei was the same as for Kinoshita Sensei and he has recently been studying Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu in depth. Kato Sensei began teaching Aikido in 1980 and has generated many students.

Ayhan Kaya Sensei (ASU 6th Dan through the Aikikai Hombu Dojo), student of Mitsugi Saotome Shihan, is the founder and head instructor of Istanbul Aikikai. Istanbul Aikikai is an official international organization given Hombu Recognition by the Aikikai Foundation. He graduated from Istanbul University Department of Philosophy. He has been teaching classes of ” the art of Aikido with life philosophy ” in a very well known and long established school. He is the author of ” Aikido- the Harmony of Mind and Body.”
See Photos of the Prior Kyoto Seminar
Schedule and Registration
